Adoption has a special place in my heart. I have an adopted nephew, and my best friend of over 20 years just recently brought her son home from Korea. I watched the ups and downs, the struggles, and the victories as the process unfolded. One thing that was consistent in both families... they were totally invested, and totally in love with their children. I can't imagine having MY child thousands of miles away, wondering what he or she is doing, if they are hurt, happy, afraid. Yet this is precisely what these adoptive families experience, day in, day out, over what can become years as they wait for that ultimate day... the journey home.
A few months ago I blogged about a sweet local family that is right this moment, doing everything they can to bring their son home. It takes a lot of support, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. They are happily very close to that ultimate day, and I can't wait! I wanted to invite them to tell us a little bit about their journey. "We began thinking about adoption about 2 years ago but we didn't feel like we could afford international adoption. We loved the idea of adoption and Africa pulled at both mine and my husband's hearts, but we were so fearful of that big number. $40,000 is a huge amount of money. We talked about it several times that year, but in Aug of 2014, I attended a woman's fellowship night. The topic was about being brave enough to do what God has called you to do, and that sometimes we have to get out of our comfort zone to do what God has asked of us. To keep it short, I will just say that God was speaking directly to me through that speaker. When I left that service, I knew that no matter how scared we were about adoption, that it was God's plan for our family. However, I couldn't commit our family to this if everyone wasn't on board, so I began to pray and ask God to ready my family's hearts. Well, ask and you shall receive. The very next church service we went to could have been written specifically for my husband. The preacher addressed almost word for word some of the fears my husband had voiced. As we walked out of church that day I looked at my husband and said that one was for you. He just smiled and said yeah I know. We decided that day to pursue adoption and signed an agreement with an agency the next week. When we signed our agreement, we only had $1000 in our savings account, and weren't sure how in the world we were going to come up with even the agency fees you have to pay when you sign a contract with them. We did a t-shirt fundraiser, and raised enough to cover that first payment. We have cut our spending, and through fundraising, and cutting expenses, we have always had enough to pay each payment along the way. God has always provided. We are so humbled everyday at the way God has moved along our journey. We are living first hand the saying "God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called". We still need about $12,000 to be fully funded, but we are doing a Both Hands fundraiser this weekend and we are praying that fundraiser will put a huge dent in that number!" WOW! What an amazing story! This story isn't over, if you would like to be part of their journey, please consider supporting them in this fundraiser!! You can do that here: Both Hands Let's work together to bring their little man home!
Adoption. If ever a word meant love, that word is adoption. To take a child you didn't bear, and make them part of your family. It's a beautiful thing. It is my honor to help this awesome family express that excitement and anticipation, as they go through the process of adopting a child from Uganda. What a lucky kiddo he or she will be! |
About JenniferI am a Christian, an artist, a singer, and a total birth nerd. Ever since I can remember, I've loved taking pictures, movies, and helping people. My best friend and soulmate, Bryan, and I have been blessed with four beautiful children and a wild and woolly granddaughter. Some of my favorite things to do are helping families prepare for and navigate labor and birth, and helping them capture beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. Archives
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